Wizard Guardian - Ceramic Collection

In mid 2015 during a ceramics class I attended all year I happened to sculpt a piece which looked like a wizard. I try not to get too hopeful about my pieces - especially as I learned - because the whole journey from creating in clay to the finished glaze piece I found extremely unpredictable.

I personally had the hardest time with the glazing. Often it would turn out unlike how I thought it would - which in turn produced some real 'flops' and also some mind-blowingly amazing pieces!

My ceramics journey has been one of extreme exploration, trying new things and embracing the unknown. If I am drawing a picture and I pick up a medium shade blue pastel - I know that will be the exact colour in my drawing. That's not the case with ceramics!!

My original wizard (pictured above) ended up being Raku (reduction) fired! By far one of the best Raku fired pieces I have created with conditions being ideal producing this result.

This piece has an essence of it's own. I have meditated with it and LOVE connecting with the wise and ancient energy it reflects.

With much admiring online and in-person I decided to create another, and another... this has led to the goal of creating a 'Wizard Guardian' Collection. I've started a Facebook Page devoted to this journey here: https://www.facebook.com/WizardGuardian

So far, at this stage (morning of 27 Oct 2015), I have five new Wizard Guardians waiting to dry and be bisque fired. They are such fun for me to create and I find their little faces, personalities and hat styles just emerge from the clay with such character.

[Wizard Guardian #3 - just made, air drying ready for Bisque firing - Lee-Anne Peters - Ceramic]

[Wizard Guardians #4, 5 & 6 - just made, air drying ready for Bisque firing - Lee-Anne Peters - Ceramic]

I look forward to seeing these characters unfold during the process of creation. Stay up-to-date with it all on the Facebook Page HERE - and announcements for when the first range becomes available.

In the LOVE of Creating,

~ Lee-Anne Peters

Founder, Artist & Author at Temple of Balance

Facilitator of 'Embrace Your Creativity' Program - Learn more at: www.templeofbalance.com.au/products/embraceyourcreativity

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