- 28 December 2022 -

During this time many of our regular activities and duties are on pause, or we are on a break from them. For some of us this means we have the time we need to catch up on rest, tie up loose ends, get things done that had been on hold, work on projects, spend time with people close to us, enjoy our summer / winter weather and move with it, etc. Many of us may be basking in this time of reprieve from our usual obligations. We’re encouraged to make the most of it, because, as we know, before too long we will be back in ‘the grind’ and needing to continue with our commitments - for now though, we may be able to enjoy some elbow room in our life....continue reading the full report, with more information on; serious commitment, balanced acceleration, adaptable, productivity, movement, rise, action, focus, change, physical, emotional, spiritual and mental statuses and much more..... LOTS MORE TO READ when you become a part of our Pillar of Light Family SEE HERE

Energy Report have been coming to you since 2007
New members are always welcome and you can learn more about it all at
Only AUD$15 p/m or USD$10 p/m - affordable, supportive, inspiring.
Pillar of Light Membership started in April 2014.
Our Pillar of Light Family enjoy these resources:
12hr HEALING EVENT - special event - Phoenix Rising - 10 Jan
ONLINE CARD READING CLUB - live video - Next: 20 Jan
ONLINE ART CLASS  - live video - Next: 20 Jan
HEALING EVENT  - private live video - Next: Jan 2023
SUPPORT - Daily support in our closed Facebook group.
REPORTS - Weekly detailed Current Energy Reports emailed.
DISCOUNTS - for online art classes & healing events.
- Learning, connecting further with your personal truth, support & more...
Pillar of Light Family - your Full Report will soon reach your inbox.
Next Report coming next Wednesday,
Lee-Anne Peters

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